Monday, August 28, 2006


I'm knackered and indeed i am. Down
with a bout of flu and a swollen throat
two days of mc and 14 weeks to go.
Lots of homework to hand up and
aching muscles to recover, it seems
like its forever. Next week -full time.

Really got nothing much to blog about
except the usual school life and sailing.
I guess it could be like that for a really
long time. I'm going to complete all
my english homework tomorrow
you guys just wait and see, i will.

Miss wee oh miss wee i miss you today
Miss wee oh miss wee we will meet one day

Friday, August 25, 2006


I pretty much figured it out already after
a short chat with a teacher, we talked abt
the future in particular mine. As humans.
We only live once and then die and dont
wish for another cycle cause you'll die wishing.

Whats life after death i dont know, thats
something i dont think about and will
not think about. But i know that whatever
i achieve this year or next year, COULD
make a huge difference to my future.

Achieve is a big word i think, i should use the
word 'do'. Its either i carry on and continue
to screw it up or make a change, to go against
the odds and try, its better than not .

I will die wishing but not trying, that i'm sure.
Its getting serious and i can feel the heat,
the tension and the fear. 24 months to go.

Dont push me up unless you want me to pull you down.

Sherman.c 1991

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


And just when you think things are fine
sorry but it has worsen, i believe.

Congrats sherman you've got yourself
into deep shite, three injuries and more
to come, wrist calf and lower back.
You guys can laugh now in fact laugh
all you want, i'll laugh with you too

And i'm gonna teach you the art,
the art of bouncing back, you'll fear
me again in no time again. Too bad
for you, i know you're scared and
you are thinking and questioning
yourself this very minute.

Don't give up tough guy

Be intimidated

Sunday, August 20, 2006

SLO-MO please

My training program this week

Monday morning rest, afternoon weights, abs and running

Tuesday morning Agilty afternoon see Dr comac at ssc

Wednesday morning weights afternoon physio and makeup lessons

Thursday morning swimming afternoon sailing

Friday morning rest afternoon weights and running

Saturday morning 3km run, abs and afternoon sailing

Sunday morning cycle to nsc afternoon sailing.

I'm so tired and why won't you reply? roxy7

Saturday, August 19, 2006


imagine a car, fast, off-road at night in lashing rain. You're forced to hang
on to the steering wheel just to stay in your seat , and you have no idea whats
coming next, as you have no headlights. To make matters worse, you have no
windscreen wipers clearing your view. In fact, you have no windscreen. No
roof. Thats how it feels sailing in the southern ocean at night

Grabbed from Allen macaRther's book

Friday, August 11, 2006


Had first aid course from 9-4 plus today, got test
somemore and everybody passed, i got 24/25
if only the test in school were that easy too.
I didnt really pay much attention during the class
i'm just lucky to score. Pangseh the academy
again today, sorry guys i didnt feel like staying
out after what happened. Andrew and Val
will know, anyway i went back home to rest
for an hour and went for a 30 mins run.

My lower back is still killing me, i was running
on grass just now. 3km run tomorrow
i dont think i will do that well cause the opti
kids are running machines tim especially.
I'll just do my best and hope the back wont ache

I realised that my off water discipline has improved
compared to my opti days, it was always ' oh i need
to run cause i need to lose weight" i know that and
everyone knows too but honestly it doesnt happen.
Now there's a slight change its "oh i need to hit the
gym,gotta strengthen my body and gain weight'.
And you'll see me in the gym, not so often at nsc one
though, but at tampines swimming pool. Cause tts
where the "real" guys train and looking at their
muscles just motivates me even more....

After my run just now i went surfing the net to gather
some info on the regattas the squad will be competing
in the few months. I've go the dates of the competition
itself but its up to ssf to decide how early they are sending
420s there to train and how many sailors are going..

1. Australian Youth Championship
2007 in Tasmania, 6-10 jan.

2. Sail melbourne 2007 invited
classes-420, 16 to 20 jan

3. World championships in New Zealand
the website said it should be roughly
around jan-feb

It will be cold in tasmania cause its all the
way down south and opp. hobart. Temperature
range: 8-24 degrees, i'm typing down the
extreme based on the websites i checked.

I'm not too sure about melbourne, it could
be around 15-22 degrees, maxi correct me
if i'm wrong.

Eh, dunno abt New Zealand.. hees

Got a race to run tomorrow gotta
sleep early, goodnight!


And you wonder how do they become godlike

and how some people stay as noobs

and how some can push beyond their limits

and how some just wont stop

and how some just dont bother to care

and how some are so determine

and how we lose contact

i wonder too sometimes

Monday, August 07, 2006


Pesta sukan is over, races were 2,2,1,1,2.
yesterday i found myself "lost". I couldnt
think, so i went home grabbed my shoes
and went to tampines gym for an hour weight
session and 50 mins of cycling on a bicycle.
Felt really good after that and had a great dinner.

First aid course today, hmm it wasnt as bad
as what i was quite interesting hehes.
I pangseh the academy and came back to do gym
it was a really hardcore session and my arms are
still aching. I still cant believe i did what i did

Here's my program, tmro ssc in the morning
then makeup lessons in sch. Wednesday help
aunty paint her house in the morning followed
by 20 mins swim 15 mins run 45 mins cycle
and light weights. Thursday run in the morning
swim if possible and cycle at night. Friday,
gym at night and cycling. Oh yeah i freaking
love it la.. hahas i think i will achieve my goal.


Friday, August 04, 2006


Sean won asians again!.And i heard the opti's
are going overseas in two weeks time.

I manage to survive school this week well
slept most of it, after nat holidays thats where
the hell makeup lessons will start and when i die.

Smsed angelina jolie last night to ask her why she
left sports school but she changed the topic.
Nevermind but hey thanks anyway for looking
after me. I managed to gain 3.4 kg but there is
3 more to go and believe me i wont give up.
Ask jovina how much i eat and you'll be shock.

I cant blog anymore got nth to say already.

here's for you tim